Richard Armitage #AskRichard Live Tweet at The Old Vic Theatre [COMPLETE Q and A]

For those of you that missed today’s Live Tweet session with Richard Armitage, from The Old Vic Theatre in London…here is the Q & A in its entirety.






@yfarber @RCNY13 Her uncompromising indomitable search for the truth, beyond the civilised, permitted acceptable..

Her uncompromising indomitable search for the truth, beyond the civilised, permitted acceptable…


@PamelaTrang3 It speaks of prejudice and persecution and any society who has permitted it's legislate in favour of such denial of human rights, be it, race, gender, religion, sexual preference and political orientation.

@PamelaTrang3 It speaks of prejudice and persecution and any society who has permitted it’s government…to legislate in favour of such denial of human rights, be it, race, gender, religion, sexual preference and political orientation.

It speaks of prejudice and persecution and any society who has permitted it’s government…to legislate in favour of such denial of human rights, be it, race, gender, religion, sexual preference and political orientation.



@NikiTucker Seeing the foundations of Paris’s parsonage, the clearing in the woods where the Girls may have danced..

. Seeing the foundations of Paris’s parsonage, the clearing in the woods where the Girls may have danced..


No Answer Found (?)



@sharonshazkley The first time I attempted Act 4, in the rehearsal room, the whole company were gathered to witness…and support. I could barely speak, it broke me.

@sharonshazkley The first time I attempted Act 4, in the rehearsal room, the whole company were gathered to witness…and support. I could barely speak, it broke me.


 @Reebeekins We never really let them go, I'll never play Proctor again, so I must keep him somewhere... think he's always been here to an extent.

@Reebeekins We never really let them go, I’ll never play Proctor again, so I must keep him somewhere… think he’s always been here to an extent.

@Reebeekins We never really let them go, I’ll never play Proctor again, so I must keep him somewhere… think he’s always been here to an extent.


 It's in the silences, 900 people collectively holding their breath as John and Elizabeth find each other in Act 4

It’s in the silences, 900 people collectively holding their breath as John and Elizabeth find each other in Act 4













Thank you Richard, for taking the time to answer all our questions! Enjoy your last two performances!

Lady Anglophile







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2 Responses to Richard Armitage #AskRichard Live Tweet at The Old Vic Theatre [COMPLETE Q and A]

  1. utepirat says:

    Thank you so much. I followed the whole live Twitter Q&A, but this list is thrilling, reading again and again 🙂

  2. Woo Hoo! Richard is such a brilliant actor and I am so happy for a new film with him in it.

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